Create and Publish own nuget package

Create and Publish own nuget package

First create class library project, here I have created "DemoApp" project.

Generate the initial manifest  

Open a command prompt and navigate to the project folder containing DemoApp.csproj file.

Run the following command: 

nuget spec DemoApp.csproj

By specifying a project, NuGet creates a manifest that matches the name of the project, in this case DemoApp.nuspec. It also include replacement tokens in the manifest.

Open DemoApp.nuspec in a text editor to examine its contents and udpate

Create Package

From a command prompt in the folder containing your .nuspec file, run the command 

nuget pack

NuGet generates a .nupkg file in the form of identifier-version.nupkg, which you'll find in the current folder.

Publish with nuget push

nuget push DemoApp.1.0.0.nupkg APIKey-GetFrom-Nuget-Account -Source

Hope this will help you and save your time.

Enjoy !!!


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